The winner of 2019's Wanderous Affair Traveller Award will be announced here on January 1st, 2020.
Prizes for the 2019 Awards:
GRAND PRIZE (1 Winner):
An exclusive interview with Wanderous Affair, featured in the Spring 2020 issue of the Magazine (featuring your blog and social media links)
ONE (1) of your travel articles, featured in the Spring 2020 issue of the Magazine
ONE (1) year subscription to Wanderous Affair Travel Magazine, in print (mailed to your door)
ONE (1) year subscription to Wanderous Affair Travel Magazine, digital copy (emailed)
SECOND PRIZE (2 Winners):
ONE (1) of your travel articles, featured in the Spring 2020 issue of the Magazine (with special acknowledgment that you are a top travel blogger of the Wanderous Affair Traveller Award), featuring your blog and social media links
ONE (1) year subscription to Wanderous Affair Travel Magazine, digital copy (emailed)
THIRD PRIZE (4 Winners):​
ONE (1) year subscription to Wanderous Affair Travel Magazine, digital copy (emailed)
If you have been nominated for and accept The Wanderous Affair Traveller Award, you must write a blog post with the following included, in order to be a contender for the grand prize:
Thank the person who nominated you, including a backlink to their blog. Include a short paragraph for the person who nominated you, including one or two of your favourite articles that they wrote, and their travel niche (if any). In turn, those you nominate will do the same for you, helping other readers get to know your blog, as well.
Use one of images below as the blog's banner; I've found that the best way to do this is to save the image onto your own computer before uploading it to the post itself.
Write a paragraph about your favourite place to travel to, including the reason(s) why it draws you to it, and some of your favourite things to do, see, and eat in the area.
List 10 random facts about your travel habits and where you've visited.
Nominate anywhere from FIVE (5) to TEN (10) of your favourite travel blogs, that you feel would continue to nominate other bloggers for this award.
List the link to these rules in your post (or, if you prefer, you can copy and paste the text from this page).
Once you have posted the article live to your blog, you must then:
Inform the owners of all blogs you nominated that you have included them as nominees for the Wanderous Affair Traveller Award, along with a link to your post, for them to backlink to you. If you prefer, you can also link them to this post, so that they can have all the information they need about the Award!
Post the URL of your post in the comment section below, so I can view it and check out your blog. I personally visit each submission, to ensure a fair competition.
Let's help promote one another's blogs, bringing to light some incredible travellers to follow in the coming year!
Good luck to all who enter!
