Whenever I fly, both long and short distances, bringing my iPod + Spotify playlists with me are always a must. Today's post consists of my favourite playlists when travelling!

Whenever I fly, both long and short distances, bringing my iPod with me is always a must. I've always felt the need to cancel out the murmur of people sitting around me, regardless of how quiet it may be. I recently got a pair of Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones and I'm obsessed with how well they cancel out surrounding noises while also playing incredibly crisp sound. In combination with my new premium family membership to Spotify, I've been searching through the seemingly endless Spotify-made playlists preparing for my trip to the United Kingdom at the end of November, but also creating my own playlists for the trip there.
What's so great about Spotify is that you can download the songs directly onto your smart phone/iPod/laptop while on wifi, so that you can access it all when you're on the go.
This has of course been great while I'm out and about in Toronto, but it's proving to be something particularly exciting as I get ready for my plane ride and gallivanting around the U.K.
Some of my favourite pre-made playlist that you can find on Spotify (the points are click-through links!) are:
Hot Hits Canada (I like listening to the new and popular music other people in my country are loving)
Harry Potter Study Music (my friend recommended it to me and it's so great! It's the incredible instrumentals of the Harry Potter movie series, and it's great to have as relaxing background music)
Make Out Jams (I love slow, sexy music, so this is a given)
Love in Paris (I also love romantic songs and French music, so this was the perfect marriage of the two)
I've also made some of my own playlists for the road with a big mix of songs I just put on shuffle. I'm kind of weird in the sense that I can fall asleep to even heavy metal, so the eclectic mix of music on my list really has no rhyme or reason, other than the facts that A) I love the song and B) I was excited to find it available on Spotify, so I instantly downloaded it for my trip. Here a short list of 25 of my favourite songs that I've included for my travels:
Follow You -- Bring Me The Horizon (a second one, because I'm obsessed with them)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain? -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Say You Won't Let Go -- James Arthur (after writing that blog post a couple of weeks ago, there's no way this song wasn't making the playlist)
Shades of Cool -- Lana Del Rey (fun fact: this is my favourite song to listen to on vinyl)
Hopefully you'll enjoy some of the songs I've shared with you! What's your favourite music provider? What are some of your must-have playlist songs? Let me know in the comments!
*Originally posted on Emulating Emily